Exams Information

Public examinations can be a complicated and stressful time for all those involved and it helps if everyone is as well informed as possible.

This section has been designed to inform you about procedures, to answer some of the most frequently asked questions, and to guide students and parents through the process. Also provided are key examination dates, and current and past examinations results.

Students in Year 11 take GCSE examinations in all of the subjects in their individual curriculum. The school also provides students with BTEC, Vocational and Cambridge Nationals qualifications.

We also offer some students the opportunity to take a GCSE in a language which they have not prepared for at school. We have had students complete GCSEs in Russian, Turkish and Portuguese.

If you have any questions about examinations then please feel free to contact the Examinations Office on:

Telephone 01708 630002 ext 3126, e-mail jjones@elatschools.co.uk
Exams Manager: Ms J Jones

On examination days it is best to contact the main school Reception on 01708 630002 and leave a message since the main priority will be starting exam sessions on time.

  • All students must be present in the canteen BEFORE 8:30am each morning
  • All students are to attend lessons when they do not have exams.